SF Gate review SF Giants Commercial ; 
Bacino had no idea who would play Boon until he was pleasantly shocked to see that Lincecum had shorn his long hair and looked a lot more like Riegert than he would have with a long mane. So Lincecum got the part and had to stare into the face of Posey, who spent 30 minutes sitting in the chair of makeup artist Oasis Wideman to look like a guy who was cold-cocked in a motel room.
"Oh, wow," Lincecum said. "When I saw that I thought, 'That's not a black eye. That's a gangrene eye.' It worked, man. They do a stupendous job of making us look realistic for the role of the guys in that scene."

Baker Street Advertising Honda Commercial
In order to dramatize Honda’s legendary dependability and the fact that once you buy a Honda the savings keep going, we featured a woman, the charming Amanda Holt, and her puppy, Killer, going through 5 years of seasons with stylish flair thanks to the extraordinary effort of our wardrobe and stylist team. To get this done the team had to create 100 outfit combinations that take us through the 4 seasons, 5 times, all while showing the subtle transitions of style and position that our star Honda driver, Amanda, would naturally go through. The trick was the changes had to happen every 4 minutes to meet our shoot schedule limitations.

Boom! Not only did we pull it off, the radiant Amanda, the dogs and of course the spacious interior of the Honda CRV, look positively bitchn, in every frame. Hats off, as well as coats, headbands, wigs, and bikini tops to the whole crew:

thank you! i loved working with you and continue to do so im really glad you guys are going to be staying in town for a while! hopefully i get to see your doggy soon :-) see ya and thanks for everything!!!

Clothing Designer
hey yes so fun tonight ! wish we had more time to work together ! lets stay in touch.. great make up and hair today !!!

Oasis, you were so great at the shoot today! Aside from the great makeup and hair you did, which really was fabulous, Natasha and I couldn't stop talking about how nice you are and how fantastic it was to have you helping on the set. It was really a pleasure working with you and I look forward to doing it again!! 

p.s. That outfit you pulled together with the white skirt was amazing! My favorite shots of the day come from that set. You get styling credit for that one. 

* Torani  - commercial  
* SF Giants - 2012-13 campaigns - print and commercial  
* SI Group - print & film
* Honda - commercials
* Framesi - live event
* Dapifer magazine - print
* Like Magazine - print
* Infusion lounge - film
* NBC Bay Area - film
* NeilMed - film
* Bay Alarm - film 
* Qlick view - film
* SpeeDee Oil Change - film 
* Lat Ware " developer spotlight Microsoft " - film
* Chandon Winery - print & film
* Frito Lay - film 
* California Casualties INS - print & film
* Test Drive Girl  Barbra Terry " Buick review" - film
* Bad Day " short film "
* FL DMV online - film
* Google Summit interviews - film
* Medical Imaging - print & film 
* Sport Hill Clothing  - print & film 
* Baby Chatterbox - film 
* Xylem Clothing - print 
* Betsy Roo " music video " 
* StudySync - web - episodes 
* Slash & Burn Clothing - print
* Stef Tor designer  - print
* Stayonflux Clothing  - print 
* C3 album cover - print
* Rea Anna - print
* Sarah Silks clothing - print
* Chad Boutin 
* Michael Maples
* Shelli Wright 
* Christian Pollock
* Timothy Leung
* Rich Johnson
* Tarra Lynn Lawton 


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